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Alix Couto

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My Story

Hey Queen, I’m so happy you are here! Like you, I’m many things: a significant other, a daughter, a sister, a certified personal trainer, a female metabolism coach, a former professional athlete, and a soon to be board certified women’s health coach. One of my favorite things that I am is a woman and I am very passionate about helping women reach their highest health potential.

After university, I started working as a trainer in a bootcamp gym teaching 5-9 classes a day, doing my own workout and playing professional soccer. I battled with body dysmorphia mindset for most of my college years and now that I was a coach I felt so much pressure to have abs and look a certain way in order to gain respect in the field. Because of this, I lost my period completely, I was constantly feeling fatigued, my hunger and relentless cravings always led me to binge eating on the weekends, I was irritable and it was affecting my relationships, and I lost my desire for sex (I was 22!). When I finally decided to get blood work, as healthy as I looked on the outside, my hormones were greatly suffering.

If you’re struggling with your personal journey and have felt you are doing everything (workouts & healthy eating) and something still doesn’t feel right internally and you want to get serious about your hormone health, I am truly thrilled and appreciative that I have a moment where I can share this knowledge to empowered and unstoppable women, just like you! I am going to teach you how to recognize what your body needs.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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